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管 guan

Home Pinyin guan

保管 bǎoguǎn custodianship; custody

爆管 bàoguǎn squib

别管 biéguǎn don't worry

不管 bùguǎn regardless of

不管用 bùguǎn yòng does not work

不管怎样 bùguǎn zěnyàng one way or another

仓管 cāngguǎn warehouseman

吹管 chuīguǎn blowpipe

代管 dàiguǎn escrow

导管 dǎoguǎn catheter; catheters; ducted

钢管 gāngguǎn steel pipe

管道 guǎndào conduit; conduits; ducting; pipeline; pipelines; pipework; tract; tubing

管管 guǎn guǎn pipe

管家 guǎnjiā butlers; chamberlain; housekeeper

管教 guǎnjiào chastening; disciplining

管理 guǎnlǐ administered; administering; administrate; manageability; manageable; management; managerial; stewardship

管理局 guǎnlǐ jú authority

管理学 guǎnlǐ xué management

管理员 guǎnlǐ yuán administrator

管理者 guǎnlǐ zhě manager

管腔 guǎnqiāng luminal

管辖 guǎnxiá governed; jurisdictional

管弦 guǎnxián orchestral

管用 guǎnyòng use

管制 guǎnzhì control

管状 guǎnzhuàng tubular

规管 guīguǎn regulated

监管 jiānguǎn regulatory; supervision

接管 jiēguǎn overs; receivership

尽管 jǐnguǎn albeit; despite; in spite of; spite

雷管 léiguǎn detonator

气管 qìguǎn trachea

软管 ruǎnguǎn hose

试管 shìguǎn test tube

水管 shuǐguǎn plumbing; water pipe

套管 tàoguǎn cannula; casing

筒管 tǒngguǎn bobbin

托管 tuōguǎn trusteeship

吸管 xīguǎn straw

小管 xiǎoguǎn tubules

血管 xiěguǎn blood vessel

心脑血管 xīn nǎo xiěguǎn cardiovascular

心血管 xīn xiěguǎn cardiovascular

血管 xuèguǎn vascular

只管 zhǐguǎn just

主管 zhǔguǎn supervisor

Copyright (c) 2021 David Pearce